
Call for digital marketing experts

As part of the European Union instrument ENI CBC MED, the Med Pearls project works towards the integration of the mediterranean diversity into a high-quality and unique brand for slow tourism, guaranteeing similar experiences to visitors based on regions’ values and lifestyle. Med Pearls is a projec...

Med Pearls webinars on ST Product Creation

During this session, participants interested in submitting a proposal for the Call for Proposals for Slow Tourism creation will get detailed information on: aim of this Call for Proposals, requirements and expected outputs, process to apply: documents + submission platforms, reply to questions from...

Assignment for pilot areas videoclips

Mediterranean Pearls APS, partner of the Med Pearls project coo-financed by the ENI CBC MED program, is seeking to hire an Audio-Visual professional/team for the shooting of footages necessary to produce 2 videos for the Italian Pilot Areas:
 Etna - Alcantara Valley
 and Sabina Reatina. This informative...

Med Pearls 3rd Informative Session

During this session, participants interested in submitting a proposal for the Call for Proposals for Slow Tourism creation will get detailed information on: aim of this Call for Proposals, requirements and expected outputs, process to apply: documents + submission platforms, reply to questions from...

CfP for the creation of an online platform

The ENI CBC MED Pearls project, funded by the European Union, launches, through its partner PICTI (Palestine Information & Communications Technology Incubator), a call for proposals for the creation of a dedicated website/online platform. Interested companies or professionals can download the guidel...

Selection Notice for Med Pearls auditing

On Sunday 3 May at 12.00 -CEST- APS Mediterranean Pearls publishes the Selection Notice for the conferral of 1 professional assignment of External Auditor for the Project: THE MEDITERRANEAN AS AN INNOVATIVE INTEGRAL AND UNIQUE DESTINATION FOR SLOW TOURISME INTIATIVE - Project ID A_A.1.3_0210 - Acron...

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