
GeoTours Guides comes to Italy

Infoday GeoTours Guides

Transnational Cooperation Mediterranean Pearls NGO, the Italian partner of Erasmus+ GeoTours Guides, is organizing an Infoday in Fluminimaggiore, Sardinia, the pearl of the Mediterranean, to present the project to Sardinian stakeholders. The event enjoys the patronage of Regione Autonoma della Sarde...

Preview Project: 5th meeting in Naples

5th Preview Project meeting

The Preview Project working group will meet in Naples on 29 and 30 May. After the presentation of the Focus Group results, the agenda of the meeting includes the discussion and final release of the Internship Remote Blueprint. This is a map that will be used to develop the remote internship experienc...

Updates from the Preview Project

Preview Project update

During the Salamanca meeting, the PREVIEW working group used the Design Thinking Methodology to come up with a Service Blueprint for a new Remote Internship Service tailored for students on internship or placement. The blueprint outlines the phases of the service from the moment the user gets in touc...

We, Med Pearls Italy on Breathing Lands

Interview with M.Debora Sanna, President of Mediterranean Pearls NGO, creator of the MED PEARLS brand. Q. What and how good is the near future for MED PEARLS in Italy and the Mediterranean? A. Participating in the ENI CBCMED 2014-2022 call for proposals has given a decisive boost to the development...

Med Pearls project closed

Project Med Pearls closed on 31st May 2023

As we come together to bid a fond farewell to the Med Pearls project, it is with great excitement and pride that we want to reflect on the remarkable journey we have embarked upon four years ago. The dedicated efforts from everyone involved in the project have left an indelible mark on the slow tour...

Preview Project Online Survey

Survey Preview Project

Task 2.2 of the Preview Project is all about making a survey to figure out what students and grads, academics, companies need and want when it comes to remote internships that are top-notch. The survey was made by ASE (ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI) and you can find it here: https://for...

Service Design Methodology, three Preview project workshops

Service Design Methodology assumes the adoption of a human-centred approach on design new services that are centered on the customer experience. Within the EU Erasmus+ funded project “PREVIEW Promoting Resilience and Employability in uniVersity students through Internship for futurE Work”, three on...

Med Pearls call for ICT solutions - UPDATE

The Med Pearls project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED Program, includes 6 Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Palestine and Spain). One of the objectives of th...

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