
Summer School

Our training activities:

  • Operational seminars
  • On-demand training

The Summer School is a Mediterranean Pearls project that takes place in the late spring and summer months. The Mediterranean Pearls Summer School is located in Umbria in the city of Spoleto and is an unmissable opportunity to spend part of your summer holidays deepening study themes on tourism marketing strategies and green tourism or digital tourism (and in the case of university students earning some credit).
The concentrated formula (one week), housed in a place of artistic, landscape and historical interest such as the Museum of the former Railway Spoleto-Norcia, allows total immersion, which activates cognitive processes and evocative experiential dimensions, immersed in a silence and a landscape context of great value. The masters, seminars and workshops are divided into lessons, expert testimony, exercises, group didactic activities. The weekend formula is also available, from Saturday to Sunday.
The teaching materials, made available by Mediterranean Pearls, are free. Participation in the School also presupposes the willingness of the participants to put into practice the lessons learned by continuing to carry out the projects that arise from them.

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