
Europe Day

We are pleased to invite you to an online dialogue among young people from the Mediterranean area on the 10th of May (4-6 pm CET) to celebrate the Europe Day.
The event, organised by the EU-funded ENI CBC Med Programme, aims at highlighting topics of common interest for young people on both shores of the Mediterranean and their expectations towards the European Union. As far as possible, the main conclusions of the discussions will feed the digital platform of the Conference on the Future of Europe - the broad citizens consultation to help shape the future of the European Union - under the topic “EU in the world”.

Mr. Luis Miguel Bueno Padilla, European Union’s Spokesperson in Arabic for the Middle East and North Africa, will open the discussion and highlight how the EU supports young people across the Mediterranean area.

More information on the event can be found here, including the registration form and link to follow the event online.

Below are the links to the posts published on social media you could share on your accounts:

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