
New experiential tourism in Sabina

A new slow destination is born in Lazio, already a land of religious paths, where soft mobility is the instrument par excellence for the widest and deepest enjoyment of the landscape, since only by moving slowly can it be possible to fully enjoy and being part of it. Virtuous mechanisms of wide and diffused fruition of a territory can be generated by an innovative tourism, cultured, respectful of the territory and empathetic with it.
We talk about it on Friday July 31st 2020, from 4,00pm to 5.00pm. Introduced by Debora Sanna, President of DMO Mediterranean Pearls. MEDPEARLS project partner, ENICBCMED Program 2014 - 2020.

Maurizio Forte, Vicepresidente Associazione Amici del Cammino di San Benedetto
Andrea Felici, CEO Casa sul Fiordo
Elisa Felli, Social media manager
Federico Porro, Guida Escursionista Ambientalista
Federico Massimo Ceschin, Presidente Società Professionisti Mobilità Dolce e Turismo Sostenibile

Coordinated by Daniela Miniucchi, journalist for RADIO RAI LIVE

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