
Zero-pollution tourism

On the occasion of World Bicycle Day (June 3rd, 2021) and EU Green Week, Mediterranean Pearls with the scientific contribution of the National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean (ISMed) organizes the online conference "Zero-pollution tourism: the role of destinations in raising awareness of tourists".

Tourism is the third largest socio-economic activity in the European Union, and makes an important contribution to achieve the zero-pollution ambition announced in the European green deal. To secure a more sustainable tourism and a healthy living environment for the communities, the destinations need not also to better remedy, monitor and report on pollution. They should also prevent the increase of pollution by involving the tourists in adopting more responsible behaviours. Destinations, in fact, have a key role in raising awareness of the way the tourists can contribute to build a zero-pollution environment. Starting from these considerations, the webinar wants to focus on the need to identify strategies able to create a greater involvement of tourists about the sustainable issues, taking into account that the COVID 19 pandemic has made the urge to reconsider the whole tourism sector.
The webinar will present an overview of best practices that have been able to create a balance between the tourism development and the environment protection, with a specific focus on the sustainable mobility.

ZOOM: https://bit.ly/3bx4ERG
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/medpearls

Piera Buonincontri, PhD
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) - National Research Council
Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo (ISMed) - Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean

Scientific and technical organisation by Dr. Daniela De Gregorio, CNR_ISMES
Communication of the Conference M. Debora Sanna, Mediterranean Pearls APS

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