
Bioslow Sardinia, second meeting

The green bio revolution in agriculture is enriched with the BIOSLOW project by the Promoting Committee which includes the Ass. Nazionale Italia Bio, the Mediterranean Pearls International Cooperation, the GAL Campidano and Copagri in Cagliari. Led by LAORE, the Agency of the Department of Agriculture of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, the second of 6 public meetings will be held on February 26 for entrepreneurs operating in the rapidly growing sector of organic agriculture and fishing, establishing itself as a philosophy and a lifestyle that embraces elements linked to social equity, tourism, solidarity trade and sustainable rural and environmental development.
Today the traveler seeks the beauty of cultural landscapes in a clean environment and the discovery of quality food and wine products associated with the territory he visits. Sardinia is able to expand its tourist offer, through the added value of bio-food productions. The BIOSLOW Sardinia District after the one created in Puglia and Sicily, must center the goal of creating synergies between tour operators and agricultural entrepreneurs; in this context, the BIOSLOW Sardinia Promoting Committee will ensure the necessary actions to operate in this direction. To do this, the strategies to be implemented are the guarantee of the quality of organic products, their enhancement through specific marketing actions and the strengthening of the sales networks.

Speakers: Ignazio GARAU, President Italia BIO, Stefano MUSANTI, President GAL Campidano, Giuseppe Beppe BULLEGAS, Agronomist, President Copagri Cagliari, Debora SANNA, President Cooperazione Internazionale Mediterranean Pearls.

Friday February 26th 2021 at 5.00 pm on the Teams online platform at the link http://bit.ly/3rN7CqQ

Comunicazione e Relazioni Pubbliche di BIOSLOW Sardegna:
Cooperazione Internazionale Mediterranean Pearls
www.bioslow.it - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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