
MedPearls events of September in Sabina

The autumn activities of the dissemination events and thematic workshops organized by the DMO Mediterranean Pearls in the Italian pilot areas for the "Med Pearls" Project - ENI CBCMED 2014-2020 are restarting.
After the five webinars of spring-summer 2020 (which can be listened to on the Mediterranean Pearls Youtube channel) with which we have been listening to the operators of our two pilot areas (Etna - Alcantara and Sabina Reatina) and in which we have provided ideas, tools and visions for the creation of slow travel and soft mobility tourist destinations, we start again with our physical presence in the territories.
The first appointment is set for September 23rd 2020, guests of the Mayor and the President of the Proloco of Paganico Sabino, for an Awareness Raising Event during which the Trans-European project ENICBCMED MedPearls will be presented.
On September 24th, again in Paganico, a Consensus Building Workshop will be held with Sabina operators, in order to investigate issues of particular importance for the product areas of the MedPearls offer, aimed at promoting its immediate impact on the resident population and on tourist flows, laying the foundations for the creation of DMCs that will manage the tourist destination, with a catalog of integrated tourist packages. On this occasion, tour operators will be provided with tools to evaluate new products and new dissemination media, in order to understand the role of the territorial brand and to build innovative proposals that are consistent with the demand.

Consensus Building Workshop MedPearls in Paganico Sabino

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