
Strengthening the Mediterranean Tourism Sector

As part of the ongoing task to promote the Mediterranean as a slow tourism destination and to strengthen the ties between Mediterranean countries, the ENI CBC MED - Med Pearls project is delighted to invite you to the cross border event Strengthening the Mediterranean Tourism Sector, that will take place on the next Thursday 27 May at 10am (GMT+2).
The invitation is addressed to DMCs and incoming travel agencies operating in Sicily and Lazio. The event will also be attended by DMCs and TOs from Al-Iskandanyah (Egypt), Catalonia (Spain), Kentriki Makedonia (Greece), Jordan and Palestine.

Through a Business-to-Business Networking format, this event will provide travel agencies with the chance to meet other agencies from the region to strengthen commercial ties, to exchange experiences in sustainable tourism and potentially to initiate joint actions to develop and commercialise Slow tourism products.
This action will have a virtual format and during the week prior to the event, participants will be able to check the profiles of the other participants and pre-schedule up to 8 short meetings with the companies of their interest.

If interested, it is recommended that you register at this LINK, by filling out your profile (in English) with representative data so that other companies can find you. During the weeks before and after the event, it will also be possible to contact any of the participants through the platform's internal chat.

More information and registration:

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