
On demand

Territorial Marketing and Communication Services

  • Publication of cycling maps, publication of cycling guides.
  • Visibility of the local tourist offer and product positioning.
  • Training for local operators in the tourism sector who intend to simultaneously enhance the "brand" of their territory.
  • Press office and external relations to promote localities to the press and online media.
  • Organization of cultural activities (conferences, seminars and study trips) on soft and sustainable mobility.
  • Creation of websites and metabooking widgets.
  • Dedicated press office.
  • Banners, sponsored posts, content on #medpearls social channels.
  • Dedicated presence at the exhibitions and in national and regional Mediterranean Pearls events.
  • Realization of national, regional events and territorial animation on demand.
  • Photo competitions.
  • Blog tours, fam trips with Italian and foreign bloggers and journalists.

Mediterranean Pearls also offers a customized service to start and consolidate commercial collaborations in specific target markets. Based on the customer's needs, research and selection paths are made possible, presentation of the company's products with verification of the interest of foreign counterparts, through the B2B between agents, importers, distributors and end customers, creation of customized business plans.

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