
BioSlow District, let's prepare green Sardinia!

While Italy, and Europe, are preparing plans for a "New Green Deal", we are already building the new "Green Sardinia", we have begun sharing ideas and tools to enhance the brilliant intuitions of capable farmers and shepherds to bet on the resources of a wonderful island, which still cannot keep its children, forced to emigrate far from home. If in the last century the island experienced the illusion of an industrial development that left us mostly unemployment and devastated territories, without in the least taking into consideration the opportunity to create a system with agriculture, today we want to recover our hope and build our future by enhancing the best resources of our land: our history and our culture, the beauty of the landscapes and the natural environment with its biodiversity, agriculture and food and wine, traditional hospitality and artisanal know-how.

We want to enhance the work of the beekeeper and the winegrower, we want to support the work of resistance of those who are able to bet on the future of pastoralism by renewing the range of products and ways of relating with consumers. We want to bet on the welcoming capacity of small villages, agritourism companies and the many restaurateurs in love with their land and its wonderful products to relaunch tourism in a slow and intelligent way tailored to our breath, to enjoy the privilege of discovery and knowledge of an island that knows how to give you emotions all year round, without crowding, in complete safety, with offers capable of satisfying all the senses.

We can go on talking about extra virgin olive oil, bread and ancient grains, legumes, almonds, vegetables and fruit, wild herbs, as well as "bio & wild" style farms or fishing and aquaculture activities. We will still be able to talk to you about crafts, textiles or green building, the recovery of architecture and clay settlements, renewable energy, clean mobility and the circular economy. We will not fail to do so, we will tell you with special appointments, which we are planning in collaboration with the channel "SIMTUR Live", the "Sardinia to come". We want to strengthen the ties with the Sardinian shepherds who emigrated to Tuscany and Lazio in the 50s and 60s, keeping sheep farming alive in those regions, we want to maintain the connection with the Sardinians who live in other regions and countries and who can proudly be ambassadors of their land in the new communities where they live and work. We want to offer friendship to those who love our island and want to become "temporary citizens" for a day or a hundred days in our districts. We want to build opportunities for those who want to return to live and work on our island.

In short, the BioSlow District of Sardinia is already writing a new piece of history by supporting the new organic agriculture and the new economy capable of guaranteeing the conservation of resources and good and healthy production, for the environment and for mankind.
The "BioSlow" project collects the important experience in the construction of Biodistricts developed in the last twenty years, acts as a builder of networks, promotes public-private partnership, collaboration between urban and rural territories and indicates the opportunity for a further evolution of the agricultural district model, which, after shifting attention from the sector to the territory, creates networks and systems capable of making the territory a protagonist in the profound changes that will modify agriculture and the economy in the years to come.

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